Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hopefully I Can....

I can see it. The road of sleepless nights. Non-stop ginseng tea consumption. I'm gonna go through all these alone. Despite the fact that there's a lot others who are going through the same shit, I still think I'm alone. I'm always alone.

Everybody needs a someone
Waitin' to be there when things are a-lookin' down
So if you feel a little lonely
Go out, find your one and only



PeiHau said...

Chill jason, like you said, most of us are going through the same cycle, so you're never alone!

Try not to push yourself over the limit, take some time off to chill (I know its very hard) and boost your morale as self-confidence is a key factor when you're facing the exams.

Wish you all the best! =)

Pssst...tmrw got stats class okay, come~!!!

JC said...

Haha. Thanks for the support. =D Yeah!! Stats class tmr. I'm definitely going!! Haha.