Friday, October 3, 2008

Who's eye was it?

Eagle eye lar. The best movie i've watched this month. Tapow-ed Babylon-ad anytime. Vin Diesel cant act for nuts...really. XD
The dude in the back...forgot what's his name. I know its the transformer guy that acted with megan fox lar. Shia LaBeouf i think. YEAH. That fella. The chick is not very chick. I think she's like 10 years older than him. LOL. Damn good movie. Full of suspense. Never ask why this heppen or why that happen during the movie. You will get the answers later. It can be really annoying if one keeps asking another that question.

Just watch it. =D

Mama mia tomorrow. WALAO!! waste damn a lot of money right


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